vrijdag 1 augustus 2014


Hey guys!

In my last post I told you I wanted to work with colours more often and well, I did! It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but I think it was really nice to do and I'm really excited to show you the result!

Like I said, it was a bit unconfortable to work with colours, so I decided to only colour a little part of the first drawing.

I really liked working with coloured fineliners and I wanted to do more! As always (okay, not always, but really often) I searched for some inspiration on instagram and I found a beautiful picture of a peacock (if you're reading this, thank you Leah!) which I really wanted to draw! There were so many colours and it was really hard and took a lot of time, but I am so pleased with the result!

Well, after this drawing I was a little bit tired of all the dots... So I decided to do something I really enjoyed as a little kid: watercolour! I'm definitely not as good with paint as with fineliners, but I really enjoy doing it. 
This is a painting of the album cover for the album Oceanborn by Nightwish. It's not exactly alike, but I'm happy with the result. I chose this, because I really like the way things are shown and when you look a little longer than a few seconds, you start to discover more and more things in the artwork of this album, and not only  this one, but probably all the covers of Nightwish albums. I think they really show what kind of music Nightwish makes. But anyway, here is my painting!

What do you think of my new drawings/painting? And do you have any advice for me? I'd really like to know your opinion!
What are you doing in your holiday?
xoxo Maaike