maandag 29 september 2014

Chestnut art

Hey guys!

I had a day off today and after I finished my homework I was really tired and didn't feel like doing anything. I knew I'd regret it later if I wouldn't do anything with my free day, so I left home for a short walk through the neighbourhood. I found an almost flat chestnut and really like its shape and shine, so I took it home.
I really didn't know what to do with the chestnut. I looked in a magazine my mom got yesterday when she bought something at the store Ici Paris XL when I saw an advertisment from J'adore Dior. I think you've all seen this bottle more than once. I think it's beautifully designed, but if you look at the cap, what do you see? I see... A chestnut!

I put my chestnut on the picture and I really liked the look. While I was reading more and more of the magazine, I saw some pics that I really liked, especially with a chestnut on it. I cut them out of the magazine and here's the result.



-Dolce & Gabbana-




-Beauty/Ici Paris XL-

-Thierry Mugler-

-Allerhande- This is the picture I like the most and I made this out of it with the site

I'm not a really good photographer, but I hope you like it!

xoxo Maaike

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