dinsdag 23 september 2014

Random things

Hey guys!

It's been one and a half months since I last posted something here and in the meantime I made a lot of random things that have nothing to do with eachother, so this post just doesn't have a theme, sorry!

Anyway, I'm just gonna show you what I did.

A quick sketch I made when I was at my dad's house. It was impossible to explain to my little brother why I wasn't colouring exactly between the lines when he learnt at school that he had to do that!

This drawing is inspired by my stepsister (wow, that sounds weird. Anyway, the daughter of my mom's boyfriend), because she really likes butterflies and coca cola, so I made this out of it.

I made this sketch when I was on a holiday to Italy. I drew for 7 hours straight, with a few stops to pee, drink and eat. I'm really curious if you can find the meaning of this drawing. If you think you know it, please tell me!

This was my drawing for a Disney back to school contest on instagram. I must say that I've never heard the result, but I got 133 likes (that's around 110 more than I usually get), so I'm still happy with it!

I made these too yesterday (I have project week this week, so a lot of free time :))

And last but not least, two drawings I lost. One was for my bodypump teacher, because she left :( And the other one... I seriously don't know where it is. Mom?

Have a nice day!

xoxo Maaike

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